Breast Cancer Screening
Breast cancer screening is recommended every two years for women aged 45-74. At age 40-44 it is recommended that women and those individuals born with breasts, speak with their health care provider about the benefits and harms of mammography. If you or a family member has already had breast or ovarian cancer, or you are experiencing any unusual signs or symptoms (nipple discharge, lumps, new nipple retraction or inversion, dimpling of the breast, or abnormal skin thickening), discuss your options for cancer screening with your health care provider. You could be eligible for different screening tests, or screening at an earlier age.
Screening for breast cancer usually consists of a visual and physical inspection and a mammogram. A mammogram is an x-ray exam that reveals any lumps or abnormal tissue in the breast. Mammography machines are currently located in Yellowknife, Inuvik, and Hay River. If you live in another community, your health care provider will give you a referral to access these services. Medical Travel will cover your travel costs.
Important note regarding video resource below: this video recommends the age for breast screening is 50-74, as of March 1, 2024- recommended age for breast screening is 45-74.
For more information see:
What to Expect during your Mammogram Posters:
- What to Expect during your Mammogram
- What to Expect During your Mammogram - Chipewyan
- What to Expect During Your Mammogram - Inuktitut
- What to Expect During Your Mammogram - Nehiyaw (Cree)
- What to Expect During Your Mammogram - Uumarmiutun Inuvialuktun
- What to Expect During Your Mammogram - YATI (Tlicho)